Friday, 6 May 2011

sketches for front page.

This is the first design that i had come up with for my front cover. It consists of a main image in the center which would be a medium close up of a female model in order to catch the buyer’s eye. The main cover line is over lapping slightly as this would relate to the main image. Around the main image are small images relating to the pacific cover lines in order to attract the buyer with as many images as possible. Above the smaller images is a pug, which i had planned to put a competition in place as most magazines had some sort of logo or pug in the corner of their front page which would then make my magazine front cover look professional. Along with this i had used a banner in which i could list all of the artists that would be featuring in my magazine. At the bottom of the page next to the main image is a free CD which i know for my research is somthing that alot of buyers are attracted to when look at a magazine.

 This is the second design idea that i have come up with for my front cover. It consists of a main image, but different to my first design the image is to the side of the magazine but still using a medium close up image, in order to attract the target audience. Along the top of the image is the masthead, which would be bold and most defiantly attract the buyer being just above the main image. Just underneath the masthead is another image but much smaller which relates to the cover lines further down the front cover. In-between this image and another is the main head line, which could make it more noticeable to the buyer as people usually notice images first and this would be placed in-between two. In very small at the bottom of the page is the barcode along with the date and price.
This is my last design layout for my fornt cover. It consits of a main image that is a medium close up shot but to the side of the magazine which would still consist of the images background, as most of the magazines that i had anyalised had one main image and instead of other smaller images they consisted of alot coverlines giving information based on what they would expect to see in the magazine. Along the bottom of this layout is a banner, written on this banner is 'free itunes download' this is beacuse from my research it was clear that the buyer would be most attracted to a magazine giving away a free gift. At the top of the page is a website were the buyer could look up the latest magazines or pre-order the next issue which i felt was very helpfull to the buyer and has seen this on alot of magazines.

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